"the boy" and I...

"the boy" and I...

"the girl" and I....

"the girl" and I....

Saturday, November 22, 2008

It's Saturday!!!

Okay, so I know the above pics are a lil' late, but I wanted to post some pics of the kids from Halloween. I think this is the last year that Turner will dress up.... :-( Wasn't he creepy looking!!!!!!

Well I must say that pineapple jello shots are much better then lime and raspberry!!!! There were also orange jello shots and they were nasty too. The pineapple shots had malibu rum in them and that made is what I think made them good. Sheri, if you are reading this, they reminded me of you because I k now you like Malibu rum!!!! The "fun" party was F U N N Y!!!! Lots of "interesting" things/toys. O M G!!!!!!.....heeheehee!!!!!!

I talked to my 18 year old niece last night and she told me she is probably moving into an apt. w/2 other girls in January. It makes me SAD!!!! She's not a baby anymore. She's all grown up and in college at LSU. She wanted to move out when she started this past fall, but my brother and sister in law weren't ready for that. Funny thing is "girlfriend" better get a job........lol She had one and they had to let her go and she had a Halloween gig at one of those temp stores, so that is over. I am sure she'll find one soon. It's just a matter of working it around her school hours, which are pretty good. Christy if you are reading this, she will be moving on Brightside right by J&B and I told her she could start babysitting for them when you or Betty can't and can make some extra money. She's a really good baby sitter.

Okay..... so I am off to start decorating for Christmas. I have ALL the boxes from out of the basement. I love having a basement. I don't have to wait for Gerald to get them out of the ATTIC!!!!!!


1 comment:

Keeks said...

Oh, Turner looks sooooo scary!! That was just creepy. Madison is too cute. I had no idea what they dressed up as. Is she supposed to be like Laverne and Shirley? That's what she looks like.
By the way, I'm not a big fan of jello shots either. They're wonderful when I'm already tipsy. That's about it.
That's a good idea about Kelsea babysitting - she will be very close.
Nice blog today! Enjoy decorating.