"the boy" and I...

"the boy" and I...

"the girl" and I....

"the girl" and I....

Monday, November 24, 2008

Oh, I am SO Tired!!!

It's Monday and it feels like it's Friday. I am so tired from decorating and shopping for decorations. I think from all the stress of decorating really. Trying to get it all done before my aunt comes. Thinking about groceries, meals, etc..... for the next few days. We found an artificial tree today. Gerald is off for a week. His annual Thanksgiving vacation, so we went artificial tree hunting again today. The tree is up and half decorated. M & T did several ornaments and I need to finish the rest. I am having new bows made for wreaths for the front of the house and one BIG GINORMOUS one for the tree. I changed all my colors from gold, clear, and silver w/a hint of red to MAINLY red w/a hint of gold. I have had the SAME BIG OLE' GOLD BOW since 1993!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have managed to keep it BIG AND POOFY for that long. I retired it in the move. Now I am having a new BIG GINORMOUS red one made. I bought all new red ornaments and I am just putting gold ornaments here and there on my tree. I used to put all the kids ornaments on the tree too and now I have a skinny 7' tree.... one of those trees you get at Hobby Lobby that look like a real pine tree..... I have it in the dining room window and I let the kids decorate it w/their ornaments and you can see it from the street. I made to flower arrangements in those hanging sconces for my doors today and I am pretty impressed w/my creative skills on those. I had to create a new mantle setting w/the red and gold. So now you are seeing why I am SO TIRED!!! TOO MUCH THINKING!!!!!!

Well, I am off to finish a greeting card for a friend and then I am going watch Dancing w/the Stars (the finale).


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