"the boy" and I...

"the boy" and I...

"the girl" and I....

"the girl" and I....

Friday, November 21, 2008

A New Day

It's Friday. I am off to a late start....well a late start getting out of my house. I have actually been pretty productive around the house. After bringing Turner to school I came home and spray painted some candle holders black. I have been putting that off for a LONG time. I also started to spray paint a tin bucket black as well. I need to flip it and tape the wooden handles and finish it. I went in the backyard (if you want to call our yard a backyard..... it's more like a lil' bit of space....uuuggghh).....anyway and trimmed ALL my bushes. They were SOOOOOOOO OVER grown and it was driving me NUTS. My mother would be so proud. Now it's up to Turner to get ALL that mess I cut OUT of my "space". He also has to rake and sweep my new deck. It is F R E E Z I N G here today!!!!!! BRRRRRR!!!!! WINDY too. It's supposed to get down to 22 degrees tonight. I don't think it was ever that cold in November in Louisiana.....heehee!!!!

Tonight I am supposed to go to a neighbors "fun" party. I told them I am not buying anything. I will just demo everything....HEEHEEHEEHEE!!!!!!! My other neighbor is bringing jello shots and I am sorry, but I think those are just N A S T Y!!!!!!!!!!! I went to a chili party at another neighbors house last Saturday and she had some and they were lime and raspberry and they were just GROSS!!!!! Or maybe I am just too old......lol

I started a new Jodi Picoult book this week...... VANISHING ACT. I haven't even finished the first chapter, but so far, so good. I finished up Mercy this week and it wasn't my favorite, but it was good. My favorite so far is 19 Minutes. It is a MUST READ!!!! I hear the Twilight series are good. I also hear EAT, LOVE, and PRAY or something like is a really good book. I think that will be my next book.

Okay, well I am off to the shower to get the stink off of me. I have the lovely OB apt. this afternoon. FUN, FUN, FUN!!!!


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