"the boy" and I...

"the boy" and I...

"the girl" and I....

"the girl" and I....

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Homemade Body Salt Scrub

This was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO AMAZINGLY simply my SILaw could do it....JK Erin!!!  Heeheehee!!!!  No seriously, it's just really, really simple and a great gift for someone on a tight budget!!!

Equal Parts Epson Salt
Equal Parts Oil (Canola, Veggie, Safflower, Flaxseed, etc...heard that Olive smells eventually)
Essential Oils
Optional Food Coloring

In the batch I made, I mixed 4 cups of epson salt with 4 cups of canola oil and I had anticipated adding 20 drops of this sandalwood oil, but the bottle was almost empty, so I just finished it off.  I actually think it's needs more, so I am going to buy another bottle.  I think with the essential oils, it will depend the scent you choose.  Once it sits, the salts will settle to the bottom, so you can mix it with your fingers before applying to your body.  I added a few drops of red food coloring to this and it turned out this coral/pinkish color.

1 comment:

Erin said...

I'll let that comment about me slide....