"the boy" and I...

"the boy" and I...

"the girl" and I....

"the girl" and I....

Monday, December 1, 2008

Happy Monday/It's Snowing in Atlanta....


Front Door Arrangements

Outside Decorations

Keeping Room Mantel

Small Tree and Our GINORMOUS Santa

Closer Up View of Porch

My Main Tree


Aunt Jackie, T, and M

Long time no see. My aunt left Sunday and the kids are back in school, so things are getting back to normal around here. We had a nice visit and a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving dinner. I made my mama's cornbread dressing recipe for the first time and it was DELICIOUS!!!! I ate on it Thurs. for lunch, Thurs. night, and Fri. for lunch and dinner. We finished it ALL. It tasted just like hers!!!!! I was so proud of myself.
I am still "tweaking" some decorations in the house and we still have some things to do on the outside. It has been raining everyday since Friday evening!!!!! It is SOOOOOOOOOOOO COLD today. It has been SNOWING on and off since this AM. Madison didn't get to see it before she left for school, but Turner did. Hopefully it snowed at M's school and she saw it there. I tried to take a pic to put on the blog, but it didn't come out good.

We watched several movies these past few days. My aunt and I went and saw FOUR CHRISTMAS'. HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!! It is a must see. We also rented: Snow Angels (not a must see!!!!!), Wal E (or however you spell it)....very cute, Maid of Honor (good movie), and Leatherheads (very disappointed in that!!!!).
I posted pics of 1 of my mantels....still trying to find something for the middle of it. I need something BIG.... like a mirror or a pic of Santa or a wreath. Also posting a pic of both trees. The smaller one is the one in my front window and the one that the kids hung all of their ornaments on. I have pics of my house/porch posted too. I made the arrangements on my front door. There are a few pics of the kids in their new holiday PJ's w/my aunt. My mama gives them new PJ's every Christmas.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Oh, I am SO Tired!!!

It's Monday and it feels like it's Friday. I am so tired from decorating and shopping for decorations. I think from all the stress of decorating really. Trying to get it all done before my aunt comes. Thinking about groceries, meals, etc..... for the next few days. We found an artificial tree today. Gerald is off for a week. His annual Thanksgiving vacation, so we went artificial tree hunting again today. The tree is up and half decorated. M & T did several ornaments and I need to finish the rest. I am having new bows made for wreaths for the front of the house and one BIG GINORMOUS one for the tree. I changed all my colors from gold, clear, and silver w/a hint of red to MAINLY red w/a hint of gold. I have had the SAME BIG OLE' GOLD BOW since 1993!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have managed to keep it BIG AND POOFY for that long. I retired it in the move. Now I am having a new BIG GINORMOUS red one made. I bought all new red ornaments and I am just putting gold ornaments here and there on my tree. I used to put all the kids ornaments on the tree too and now I have a skinny 7' tree.... one of those trees you get at Hobby Lobby that look like a real pine tree..... I have it in the dining room window and I let the kids decorate it w/their ornaments and you can see it from the street. I made to flower arrangements in those hanging sconces for my doors today and I am pretty impressed w/my creative skills on those. I had to create a new mantle setting w/the red and gold. So now you are seeing why I am SO TIRED!!! TOO MUCH THINKING!!!!!!

Well, I am off to finish a greeting card for a friend and then I am going watch Dancing w/the Stars (the finale).


Saturday, November 22, 2008

It's Saturday!!!

Okay, so I know the above pics are a lil' late, but I wanted to post some pics of the kids from Halloween. I think this is the last year that Turner will dress up.... :-( Wasn't he creepy looking!!!!!!

Well I must say that pineapple jello shots are much better then lime and raspberry!!!! There were also orange jello shots and they were nasty too. The pineapple shots had malibu rum in them and that made is what I think made them good. Sheri, if you are reading this, they reminded me of you because I k now you like Malibu rum!!!! The "fun" party was F U N N Y!!!! Lots of "interesting" things/toys. O M G!!!!!!.....heeheehee!!!!!!

I talked to my 18 year old niece last night and she told me she is probably moving into an apt. w/2 other girls in January. It makes me SAD!!!! She's not a baby anymore. She's all grown up and in college at LSU. She wanted to move out when she started this past fall, but my brother and sister in law weren't ready for that. Funny thing is "girlfriend" better get a job........lol She had one and they had to let her go and she had a Halloween gig at one of those temp stores, so that is over. I am sure she'll find one soon. It's just a matter of working it around her school hours, which are pretty good. Christy if you are reading this, she will be moving on Brightside right by J&B and I told her she could start babysitting for them when you or Betty can't and can make some extra money. She's a really good baby sitter.

Okay..... so I am off to start decorating for Christmas. I have ALL the boxes from out of the basement. I love having a basement. I don't have to wait for Gerald to get them out of the ATTIC!!!!!!


Friday, November 21, 2008

A New Day

It's Friday. I am off to a late start....well a late start getting out of my house. I have actually been pretty productive around the house. After bringing Turner to school I came home and spray painted some candle holders black. I have been putting that off for a LONG time. I also started to spray paint a tin bucket black as well. I need to flip it and tape the wooden handles and finish it. I went in the backyard (if you want to call our yard a backyard..... it's more like a lil' bit of space....uuuggghh).....anyway and trimmed ALL my bushes. They were SOOOOOOOO OVER grown and it was driving me NUTS. My mother would be so proud. Now it's up to Turner to get ALL that mess I cut OUT of my "space". He also has to rake and sweep my new deck. It is F R E E Z I N G here today!!!!!! BRRRRRR!!!!! WINDY too. It's supposed to get down to 22 degrees tonight. I don't think it was ever that cold in November in Louisiana.....heehee!!!!

Tonight I am supposed to go to a neighbors "fun" party. I told them I am not buying anything. I will just demo everything....HEEHEEHEEHEE!!!!!!! My other neighbor is bringing jello shots and I am sorry, but I think those are just N A S T Y!!!!!!!!!!! I went to a chili party at another neighbors house last Saturday and she had some and they were lime and raspberry and they were just GROSS!!!!! Or maybe I am just too old......lol

I started a new Jodi Picoult book this week...... VANISHING ACT. I haven't even finished the first chapter, but so far, so good. I finished up Mercy this week and it wasn't my favorite, but it was good. My favorite so far is 19 Minutes. It is a MUST READ!!!! I hear the Twilight series are good. I also hear EAT, LOVE, and PRAY or something like is a really good book. I think that will be my next book.

Okay, well I am off to the shower to get the stink off of me. I have the lovely OB apt. this afternoon. FUN, FUN, FUN!!!!


Thursday, November 20, 2008

My First Post

Hello out there. This is my first blog. Not so sure what to write. It has been an interesting week in Atlanta. I have had an emotional rollercoaster week. Goes with the title of my blog....heeheehee!!!!

I have started decorating for Christmas. My aunt will be coming to visit us and have Thanksgiving with us. It will be her first time here and she will think I am crazy for having our turkey dinner w/Xmas decorations all around her!!! Especially since she usually decoartes the week BEFORE Christmas and not the week before Thanksgiving. I even received my Christmas cards via UPS today, so I am hoping to get them all mailed out the first week of December. I figure I needed to get them out soon because no one knows my new address.

Will post more later and put up pics and "juice up" my blog.

Tootles for now. You will be seeing TFN at the end of my posts and that means......TOOTLES FOR NOW!!!! I always say that, so I need to shorten it.