"the boy" and I...

"the boy" and I...

"the girl" and I....

"the girl" and I....

Friday, September 9, 2011

Warm Gingerbread Spoon Cake...Crockpot

OHHHHHHHH MEEEE  OOOOHHHHH MYYYY!!!  YUMMAGE!!!!!  I "mimi modified" this....  I didn't use half and half or milk.  Instead I used the creamer you see pictured above.  I also doubled the recipe and used a crockpot liner for easier clean up.  I also left out the raisins...that's just like boogers to me....just sayin'.....  Below is link for recipe....

The Pumpkin Pudding & Gingerbread Cake together w/a Gingersnap Cookie
 for a garnish.....


Pumpin Pudding

This is DELISH!!!!!!!  Not pictured is the cool whip...completely left it out of the pic on accident. I doubled the recipe to serve w/the recipe I am posting next.


Wednesday, September 7, 2011


This was SO easy and SO good.  My kids LOVED it too.  I used 1lb of gound beef and 1lb of mild ground italian sausage.  ALMOST a whole box of angel hair pasta, 1 26oz can of Hunts Garlic & Herb pasta sauce.  I also added a 6 oz can of tomato sauce.  I added salt & pepper, 1 tbsp of brown sugar, 1 tsp mint, and 1 tsp of basil.  I added 1 cup of parmesan cheese to the mozzarella cheese for a mixture of cheeses. Other then these modifications....follow the recipe in this link.


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Free Halloween Paper Bag Printables


With Halloween around the corner, you may like this free halloween printalble.  It's  EASY PEASY!!  All you need is your puter, printer, some tape, ribbon, and a brown lunch sack!!!  The directions are very easy to follow in the link I posted above.  I filled the 2 bags above with Halloween candy last year and a candle for my daughters teachers.  So quick and easy AND inexpensive for people on a tight budget.

Homemade Body Salt Scrub

This was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO AMAZINGLY simply my SILaw could do it....JK Erin!!!  Heeheehee!!!!  No seriously, it's just really, really simple and a great gift for someone on a tight budget!!!

Equal Parts Epson Salt
Equal Parts Oil (Canola, Veggie, Safflower, Flaxseed, etc...heard that Olive smells eventually)
Essential Oils
Optional Food Coloring

In the batch I made, I mixed 4 cups of epson salt with 4 cups of canola oil and I had anticipated adding 20 drops of this sandalwood oil, but the bottle was almost empty, so I just finished it off.  I actually think it's needs more, so I am going to buy another bottle.  I think with the essential oils, it will depend the scent you choose.  Once it sits, the salts will settle to the bottom, so you can mix it with your fingers before applying to your body.  I added a few drops of red food coloring to this and it turned out this coral/pinkish color.

Bravo's Real Housewives of BH

On the fence w/this one....I am usually very excited for a new Hswvs premier, but I am just not eagerly awaiting this one...  :(((    I am not surprised they have edited the season, but I am very surprised they are still moving ahead w/the same premier date of Sept. 5 so soon after the death of Taylor Armstrong's husband.  I can't even imagine what that day will be like for her next Monday.  I think I may watch it on Tuesday, just so I want sit there thinking about what she's feeling in that moment.  Although I am an ADMITTED reality addict, this reality became far to real for the Armstrong's w/this tragic even and is unfortunately going to live on and on for Taylor and her beautiful daughter.   God bless her and her family....

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Monogrammed Tote Bag

I am not 100% happy w/the results, but I will take them for the first try....  I know I would've liked it better had I used a white or lighter bag, but I wanted to try the black for shits and giggles.....


Clearly my doily is different from the one in this link...I like the one used in link better, so I will be hunting for some more like this...

Lemon Chex Mix Buddies

MMMMMMmmmmmm!!!!  My lil' helper...my daughter, Madison...aka..."the girl" helped me make these!!!  They are YUMMAGE!!!!!!!!!  Can't wait to bring them to my Lifegroup on Thursday to share.


Monday, August 29, 2011


Well HOLY SHIT BALLS!!  Just now finding about about this show.  Don't know why one of my partner in crime reality buddies haven't filled me in about this one (KELLY!!).  I think I have another hour of my life sucked away from me now!!  :D

Bachelor Pad 2

Can't wait for tonights episode...need something "lighter" then being tortured by depressing Irene...wait, what am I saying...I am going to be tortured by VIENNA!!!!!!  and Possibly her freaky boyfriend, Kermit the Frog....eerrrrrr....uuuuummmmm....Kasey!!  :D...

Beings we were left w/the STUPID cliffhanger last week....that's WEIRD for a reality TV show...comedy like Bach. Pad 2 to have  such a dramatic cliffhanger...perhaps maybe because it's really Kermit they are "killing off"....errrrr...uummmmm....voting off!!!  :D  A girl can only dream....

Did y'all hear the next Bachelor is going to be Ben...ya know the dude that Ashley let propose to her...Ya know Constantine's new BFF..ya know the one that's going to promote his wine on the next Bachelor...ya know the one that is now selling his wine at Constatine's restaurant here in Atlanta...ya know the restaurant that is BOOMING now since Constantine PIMPED it out on Bachelorette!!!  Oh and by the way, I ate there w/my 2 buddies Patrick and Timmy!!!!  OH and he wasn't there....since the show is over, he's through pimpin'....  Just sayin'....  :D

6 Year Anniversary for Katrina....

It's so surreal to me that I am sitting home today listening to the news and hearing about the devastation of Irene on the 6 year anniversary of hurricane Katrina.  I still remember August 29, 2005 like it was yesterday.  It will forever be a memory deep in my heart and the hearts of my children.  God bless the people going through Irene.

A view of a damaged bridge

A house in Lakeview/New Orleans

A scrapbook store in Slidell, LA

Chalmette, LA

A house on the lake front....Mandeville, LA

A Days Inn in Slidell, LA

A house in the 9th Ward/New Orleans

Marina in New Orleans

My roof....

What was left of a house in Biloxi, MS

A house in the 9th Ward/New Orleans, LA

Treasure Island Casino...Biloxi, MS

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Back in business....

After being offline for a few years, I have decided to tweak my blog, rename it and get back into action again.  Especially now that I can link it to FBook....  I will be posting crafts, recipes, suggesting other blogs, sites, tips, etc....  I am looking forward to having lots of followers....

Here is a pic of my latest crafty creation....   I made these for a wedding coming up in September....shipped them off to California.  Hope the happy couple has a great toasts to their new happy life....

I made these using black stayzon ink, acrylic stamps, and enamel paint...